WoSS-Art: ErdnussSchalen
trixie1127: SAM_0119
vomtom4: Zuhause gesucht!
blondinrikard: Bunny lost and found
pixelsweep_mono: The remains of the day
pixelsweep_mono: Stir it up
pixelsweep_mono: Raindrops
Under The Dust: found stuff
Under The Dust: found stuff
Dr John2005: Confessions
sparetimedesign: Skateboard
WoSS-Art: SeminarBlumenStrauß
WoSS-Art: mechanischer Knoten 01 opus hominis - Selbsterhaltungsversuch beim Weltuntergang der Zivilisation
WoSS-Art: 20210408 wie Knochen zwischen Steinen / like bones among stones
WoSS-Art: 20210328 Strandfund Krabbenskelett mit blauem Seil / Beach find crab skeleton with blue rope
sparetimedesign: Race Leader
sparetimedesign: Silent Night
Mike Orrell Photography: Spare Doors To Nowhere. Lowther Castle. 11/10/2020.
Dr John2005: Anthropology #3
Dr John2005: Anthropology #1
Dr John2005: Quarantiered / 8
Swaalfke: David Bowie in Groningen
Mike Orrell Photography: Isolation Throwback Photo. Day 63. 25/05/2020. Directional Rock. Coombs Woods. Cumbria.
blondinrikard: What happened here, exactly?
blondinrikard: Lost and found
blondinrikard: Baby shoe
Mike Orrell Photography: Isolation Day 73. 04/06/2020.
rsokki: Keep your eyes peeled for found objects