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Emmet & Kathy: IMG_7884-Edit
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Emmet & Kathy: IMG_9807-Edit
Emmet & Kathy: IMG_7945-Edit
hans maier 1: norderney z7035
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hans maier 1: pilze2sd1 (53)
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K.M. Smith Photography: The Morning Fog
SnypixWorld: Amour naturel
rickybon: Via degli Inferi (Necropolis of Cerveteri)
rickybon: Etruscan Necropolis la Banditaccia (Cerveteri)
rickybon: Museum of Cerveteri
rickybon: Museum Entrance in Cerveteri
rickybon: Fosso Manganello (Cerveteri)
rickybon: Torre Flavia (Ladispoli)
rickybon: Little waterfall (Bracccio di Mare) Cerveteri
SnypixWorld: Entre terre et mer
rickybon: Necropolis of Cerveteri "Del Laghetto"
rickybon: Necropolis of Cereveteri
rickybon: Corn Field in Cerveteri
rickybon: Necropolis of Cerveteri
rickybon: Palo Laziale
SnypixWorld: Trésor de Pierres précieuses
SnypixWorld: DSC_8543_tonemapped
SnypixWorld: Entre Le Trayas et Antheor