mauriziogentiliphoto: Sole a fungo all'alba-14-04-2024
Tom Mortenson: White Pelicans
Martin Bärtges: Raindrops on the fresh green
Wicked Dark Photography: Life in remission
juttaarens48: Rapsfeld
** Janets Photos **: White Foam ...
karin_b1966: Blumenhartriegel
Katsujiro Maekawa: 0012-03-14 (2024-04-22) 16:52PM *Namyangju
ecwillet: grebe vs fish
paul.porral: Busard des roseaux - Circus aeruginosus - Western Marsh Harrier
cienne45: 24-206
davehanley1: Hungry vixen
Antonio Lorenzo Terrés: Cerceta pardilla
gcampbellphoto: Water Carpet (Lampropteryx suffumata)
Dicksy93: Geai des chênes (Garrulus glandarius)
arnicadesembets: une des belles rencontres en Extremadure : le faucon crécerellette ! plus petit, il bat très vite des ailes, un dos roux sans tache, des couvertures alaires bleues....un bijou qui chasse les insectes et les lézards.
plutogno: Gobi desert - Camels
mabuli90: Spring lake III
RonParsonsflowershots: Lake Danao, Leyte, Philippines DownyWoodpecker_05
greensteves: Common Mergansers
shutterbug1946: _DSC4509-
fotosynthesys: Western Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea), adult 1T1A9809
Lon&Queta: View of San Pedro Riverbed near mouth of Second Canyon Wash, from ridge N of Second Canyon, W of San Pedro River Road, San Pedro River Valley, N of Redington, AZ
Randy E. Crisp: Itty-bitty Babies