shoottofill: Lightning Boy Summer
shoottofill: 10:03:23 copy
shoottofill: 07:04:23 lightning copy
shoottofill: “Any Colour You Like”
kmac1960: Farm Life
shoottofill: 10:11:22 copy
shoottofill: 22 night copy
shoottofill: 09_17_22 day
shoottofill: 05:12:22 copy
shoottofill: 05:17:22 copy
shoottofill: 05:30:22 copy
shoottofill: 4-12-22b copy
shoottofill: 4-12-22a copy
shoottofill: 12-15-21
shoottofill: Too tired to think of a clever caption (8 strikes total combined into one photo)
shoottofill: 09-30-21
shoottofill: 08-31-21
shoottofill: 08-25-21
shoottofill: 08-07-21
shoottofill: 06-20-21
shoottofill: 05-02-21
shoottofill: lights in the sky
shoottofill: DSC_4764
shoottofill: DSC_4692
shoottofill: DSC_4602
shoottofill: DSC_4569
shoottofill: DSC_4587
shoottofill: DSC_4539
shoottofill: DSC_3959
shoottofill: DSC_3930