l16812: The Sound of Music
Farhiz: Mechuka. Football game opposite Gebu’s place.
Farhiz: Mechuka. Football game opposite Gebu’s place.
Farhiz: Mechuka. Football game opposite Gebu’s place.
Farhiz: Haridwar. Madhudas will stay here for a few months before leaving for Kedarnath. There he’ll stay till winter and then go to Delhi.
Farhiz: The Hiba Line Hotel at Tato.
M10-R: M10R0290
Farhiz: The Sisiri river bed, Dibang Valley. Maybe I spoke too soon. Crossing the river bed once was enough. But twice in the same afternoon was hell.
Farhiz: Komsing suspension bridge, Arunachal.
sanshiro.kubota: Chenonceau
sanshiro.kubota: Point of Kings View
sanshiro.kubota: Flower Season
Farhiz: Mechuka.
Farhiz: Mechuka.
Farhiz: Mechuka. The valley below the Samteng Yanchak monastery.
sanshiro.kubota: Life in Faroe Islands
sanshiro.kubota: Faroe Islands
vera98503: Perspectives
Farhiz: Batman and Robin.
Farhiz: Yachak Chije, Tsokarpu village, Mechuka.
Farhiz: Singbir village. Mechuka.
Farhiz: When the order takes forever
Farhiz: Every year at the end of September this spot overlooking the paddy fields in Ziro is the site of the music festival.
M10-R: M10R0289
M10-R: M10R0288
mbwong: Generations