heavenandweak: Christmas
marlin harms: Vernal Pool (Part) with Goldfields
marlin harms: Crab Spider on Tidy Tips
heavenandweak: Lavender
Dave_Lawrence: Western Gull---Larus occidentalis
heavenandweak: Cumpleaños
marlin harms: Streptanthus glandulosus, Purple Jewelflower in Morning Dew
marlin harms: Bumble Bee with Morning Dew in Morning Glory Flower
heavenandweak: Cotton Candy
Dave_Lawrence: Acorn Woodpecker---Melanerpes formicivorus
marlin harms: Red Admiral
marlin harms: Platylyra californica, California Chaparral Katydid
marlin harms: Velella velella, By-the-Wind-Sailor Cast Ashore on the Rocks
marlin harms: Velella velella, By-the-wind-sailors Cast Ashore & The Surf They Rode in On
marlin harms: Great Horned Owl Nestling
marlin harms: Allium haemotochiton, Red-skinned Onion Flowers Over Serpentine Rock
marlin harms: Bird Tracks at the Edge of the Vernal Pool, with Goldfields
pasotim1: Moonset over 12th Street
marlin harms: Castilleja exserta, Owl's Clover & Lasthenia sp. Goldfields
Dave_Lawrence: Yellow-billed Magpie---Pica nuttalli
Dave_Lawrence: Last evening, up the hill
marlin harms: Swainson's Hawk Taking Off with Stick for Nearby Nest
heavenandweak: Suavemente
heavenandweak: Twilight
Dave_Lawrence: Solitary Sandpiper---Tringa solitaria
Lisa Roeder: Common Loon - almost full breeding plumage
heavenandweak: Morro Rock
Dave_Lawrence: Western Rattlesnake---Crotalus oreganus
Dave_Lawrence: Northern Elephant Seal---Mirounga angustirostris