acase1968: Open field
acase1968: Home Run Trot
acase1968: Prelude to a diving catch
acase1968: Attack!
Deon McFarland: 240303-BVRD-GUIL-12
acase1968: Bat Bender
acase1968: Take Me Out to the Ballgame
acase1968: Slippery when wet
acase1968: Eyes on the ball
acase1968: Nails
acase1968: Lending a hand
acase1968: Beating the coverage
acase1968: Flying
Gary Streiffer: NIK_6278 University of Lynchburg
Paul Robbins: UT At Chattanooga Football Stadium
Dirk DBQ: DSC_0255_2109
Dirk DBQ: DSC_0378_2231
Dirk DBQ: DSC_0233_2088