geo_rie: through the forrest
blondinrikard: Neuschwanstein through telescope
Martina Stoltz: Wetterkugel
Martina Stoltz: Magic Ball
Martina Stoltz: Rosenkugel
CTS_Chile: man67
CTS_Chile: man69
CTS_Chile: man66
CTS_Chile: 894Reflejos
Martina Stoltz: Vintage Rose in a Crystal Ball
Martina Stoltz: Schloss Blutenburg in München
Martina Stoltz: Traum Kugel
Martina Stoltz: once upon a time
Martina Stoltz: Kugelwelt in schwarz/weiß
Martina Stoltz: An Apple A Day Jeeps The Doctor Away
Martina Stoltz: Glaskugel
Martina Stoltz: Gitarre in der Kugel
Martina Stoltz: Die Sonne eingefangen
Martina Stoltz: Die Sonne eingefangen
Martina Stoltz: Flieder hinter Glas
Martina Stoltz: Die Kugel in der Hand
AngelBeil: Your Tongue is Like a Fingerprint and is the Strongest Muscle in the Body!
Key Word: Milk & Cookie
blondinrikard: A slice of lime
blondinrikard: Götheborg - Swedish East Indiaman ship
blondinrikard: Fun with binoculars
blondinrikard: Shot through binoculars up in Kyoto tower
blondinrikard: Caruso
blondinrikard: All meshed up
AngelBeil: Through the Looking Glass