firstfold creative origami: Origami Einstein tiles - each tile is folded using a different method green is one square folded, yellow is 8 squares folded into kite shapes - purple is 4 squares folded into double kite shape.
Adalberto Tiburzi: Giuseppe Pietroniro MACRO Roma "As if nothing were"
Nᴉɹʌɐuɐ SQ: En torno al origami para-barroco (unfold the triangle mix)
Nᴉɹʌɐuɐ SQ: En el Fondo de la Caja de los Axiomas
Nᴉɹʌɐuɐ SQ: Open your Mind
Nᴉɹʌɐuɐ SQ: Contradiction ~= Opposition
Nᴉɹʌɐuɐ SQ: Circle the Squared Circles
ameschen: crabs
Nᴉɹʌɐuɐ SQ: Protocolo de Debugging
Nᴉɹʌɐuɐ SQ: ...then, it unravels away.
Nᴉɹʌɐuɐ SQ: Los ángulos van variando, desde la percepción hasta la abstracción
Adalberto Tiburzi: Divertissement à la Escher under a staircase by Gustave Eiffel
Nᴉɹʌɐuɐ SQ: Código Holográfico Rubik
ameschen: favorite jeans
Renee Rendler: Indian Corn
Nᴉɹʌɐuɐ SQ: Des-Encuentro
Nᴉɹʌɐuɐ SQ: Derivation of a derivation
Nᴉɹʌɐuɐ SQ: Make me a Map
Nᴉɹʌɐuɐ SQ: Hoodini's box
Nᴉɹʌɐuɐ SQ: Se solicita Paracaídas
Nᴉɹʌɐuɐ SQ: Memoria Per(c/p)eptua
Nᴉɹʌɐuɐ SQ: Our Layers and Edges [The One & The Many Remix]
Sunil Shinde: Timeless
Fernan Federici: Seamless-interconnected structures. Synthetic Aesthetics project (Cambridge, UK/Columbia, NY)
Nᴉɹʌɐuɐ SQ: Becoming-ing
ameschen: Warp
Nᴉɹʌɐuɐ SQ: WwWeb traps: *in-side-out*
Nᴉɹʌɐuɐ SQ: The Empty Set and its projection: Such a transparent Alter-ego!