godran25: Metz - Forteresse du Mont-Saint-Quentin
iMacAdami: Spring parallels
godran25: La falaise a des yeux ! (près de Nuit-Saint-Georges)
kellyJJR: Macro
monkeyc.net: Rock wall
godran25: Rumelange - Musée National des Mines
monkeyc.net: Rockery
godran25: Rochers dans la combe de Notre-Dame d'Etang
mike5710: Petite cascade et sa belle marmite 💚
monkeyc.net: Rocks rocks rocks
mike5710: Découverte coup de coeur en explorant un ruisseau sauvage dans le Doubs
olegbasketo: Gobi Agate
olegbasketo: Agate nugget
olegbasketo: Gobi Agate - Living mineral
olegbasketo: Gobi Agate
olegbasketo: Gobi Agate
not_on_display: In Vieques | Rock That Looks Like a Lion's Head
not_on_display: Rocks and Sand
not_on_display: Rocks and Sand
not_on_display: Rocks and Sand
not_on_display: Rocks and Sand
not_on_display: Rocks and Sand
not_on_display: Rocks and Sand
monkeyc.net: Rock of ages
xaviergomezbusquets: Textures de roca, rock textures, Riu Ripoll, Ripoll's River, Sabadell, Catalunya.
olegbasketo: Minerals of the Caucasus
jrepko60: Sony 1-1-9980
PJD-DigiPic: Kleinmond - Boat Launch.
RiteSpring: At Rough Point
PJD-DigiPic: In balance