wesleybarr1962: got my prize....
stanlupo (Thanks for 6,000,000 views): Grebe With Breakfast 3_20_24
V.C. Wald: One bite at a time
V.C. Wald: The alpha and the bison
V.C. Wald: The harassment never stopped
wesleybarr1962: you only got half a fish
aeschylus18917: Cormorant Downing A Whopper
aeschylus18917: Tossing A Perch Lunch In The Air
wesleybarr1962: Time to dine ...
wesleybarr1962: fresh (well maybe not so fresh) fish diet
V.C. Wald: Green, aka Inca Jay
wesleybarr1962: I confess it is a little messy !!
wesleybarr1962: where shall I put it
wesleybarr1962: What a wing span !!
wesleybarr1962: the little fisherman, what a catch
V.C. Wald: Strong-billed Woodcreeper
V.C. Wald: Olive-backed Woodcreeper
V.C. Wald: Masked Trogon, male
V.C. Wald: Lineated Foliage Gleaner
wesleybarr1962: got ya !!!!
uwekulick: Hannibal Lizard I
uwekulick: Hannibal Lizard II
uwekulick: Hannibal Lizard III
wesleybarr1962: You big Meanie.....U got me.....
wesleybarr1962: come and dine
Snixy_85: Dad's bringing home the bacon!