toni baeza oto: Mallerenga emplomallada
Dan G.M / FF.CC y paisajes: Rumbo a mi destino
Dan G.M / FF.CC y paisajes: Playa de Chorlitejos
toni baeza oto: Ocells - Mallerenga carbonera
toni baeza oto: Ocells - Mallerenga carbonera ...
toni baeza oto: OCELLS - Pica-soques blau
toni baeza oto: OCELLS - Pardals
toni baeza oto: Ocells - Pardal mascle
toni baeza oto: OCELLS - Pit-roig ( Erithacus rubecula )
toni baeza oto: Ocells - Mallerenga blava (Cianistes caeruleus)
socpep: Bernat pescaire (Ardea cinerea)
una cierta mirada: The Birds II
socpep: Blauet (alcedo atthis)
socpep: Blauet (Alcedo atthis)
socpep: Bernat pescaire Ardea cinerea
natureloving: uuh !! i am fed up by these birds,,,, one of Statue in Jardin des Tuileries (Tuileries Garden) in Paris
socpep: Abellarol Merops apiaster
socpep: Aguila marcenca (Circaetus gallicus)
socpep: Falco cama-roig (falco vespertinus)
socpep: Capo reial(Plegadis falcinellus)
socpep: Merla d'aigua (Cinclus cinclus)
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Série com a Jandaia-coquinho (Aratinga aurea), Periquito-rei, Periquito-estrela, Aratinga-estrela, Jandaia, Ararinha e Maracanã-de-testa-amarela (Amapá), Periquito Maracanã - Series with the Peach-fronted Conure - 25-11-2008 - IMG_20081125_9999_1333
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Série com a fêmea do Saíra-amarelo (Tangará cayana) - Series with the female of the Burnished-buff Tanager – 07-09-2010 - IMG_9683
socpep: Corb mari (Phalacrocorax carbo)
Highbird72: Ganzen bij Ekerse Put
Highbird72: Koet op Ekerse Dijk
SHaddowPhoto: Birds in the bush
SHaddowPhoto: Birds in the bush