Phillip Thornton: Incubation Week 4
Phillip Thornton: Lesser Black-back Gull attack
Missi Kremer: Huîtriers pies
Missi Kremer: Choucas des tours
Missi Kremer: Grive litorne
Missi Kremer: Linotte mélodieuse
Phillip Thornton: Pair of Swans, Week 3
Phillip Thornton: Pen incubating, Week 2
Phillip Thornton: Mistle Thrush
Phillip Thornton: Rook in flight
Phillip Thornton: Gliding Heron
Phillip Thornton: Male Pochard
Phillip Thornton: Great Crested Grebe diving
Phillip Thornton: A girl works hard to look good
Missi Kremer: Femelle rouge queue
Missi Kremer: Orite à longue queue
Missi Kremer: Bihoreau gris
Missi Kremer: Partie de cache-cache avec le troglodyte mignon 💗
Phillip Thornton: Mute Swan nesting
Missi Kremer: Chevalier guignette
Missi Kremer: Pic-vert
Missi Kremer: Peek a boo
Phillip Thornton: Eye level ducks
Phillip Thornton: Cormorant in full breeding plumage
Phillip Thornton: Willow Warbler
Phillip Thornton: Goldfinch on Teasel
Phillip Thornton: Difference of opinion
Phillip Thornton: Green Sandpiper at watercress beds