frankcrist78: DSC_6149_(vv0.1b&w)
george75181: Freiburg - Germany
george75181: Strasbourg - France
george75181: Strasbourg - France
george75181: Strasbourg - France
george75181: Strasbourg - France
george75181: Strasbourg - France
george75181: Strasbourg - France
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Série com as Euphorbias candelabro no Setor Noroeste, Brasília - DF, Brasil. Series with The Euphorbias candelabrium, at Setor Noroeste, Brasília -DF, Brasil.
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Charrete Elétrica de Poços de Caldas - MG, Brasil.
frankcrist78: DSC_0999
frankcrist78: DSC_8578_(vv0.1c)
frankcrist78: DSC_2685_(vx1.0cv-bs)
frankcrist78: DSC_2782_(vv0.1cb&w)
frankcrist78: DSC_0095
george75181: DSC05877 Kopie
george75181: DSC05880 Kopie
frankcrist78: DSC_1669_(vv0.1c)
george75181: DSCF11108
george75181: DSCF-1301
george75181: DSC05345.JPG
george75181: DSC_1000
george75181: DSC_1001
frankcrist78: DSC_0841_(vp0.3ccr)
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Monumento a la diligencia - Montevidéu - 22-11-2011 -
george75181: 1325Fuji_HDR
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Série sobre Veneza - 13-01-09 - IMG_20090113_9999_4
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Série sobre Veneza - 13-01-09 - IMG_20090113_9999_5
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Série sobre Veneza - 13-01-09 - IMG_20090113_9999_141