groce_sd: IMAGE_826
groce_sd: Andrew - stage1
groce_sd: Andrew - stage 2 - black and white steels
groce_sd: Jim - stage 3 - out of the mofo car
groce_sd: Andrew - stage 3 - car
groce_sd: Jim - stage 4 pass 1 - 3 sweeps for 2 in body and 1 in head
groce_sd: Jim - stage 4 pass 2 - 3 sweeps for 2 in body and 1 in head
groce_sd: Andrew - stage 4 pass 1 - 3 sweeps for 2 in body and 1 in head
groce_sd: Andrew - stage 4 pass 2 - 3 sweeps for 2 in body and 1 in head
groce_sd: Jim - stage 5
groce_sd: Andrew - stage 5
groce_sd: Andrew - stage 6
groce_sd: IMAGE_827