groce_sd: Harry, Andrew, and Jim at Orosco Ridge - March 2010
groce_sd: Andrew and Harry scouting out Ranger Rhonda
groce_sd: Orosco Ridge Shooting Area 4
groce_sd: Target area at about 100 yards
groce_sd: Target area at about 200 or so yards
groce_sd: Andrew shooting the Mini-14 at Orosco Ridge
groce_sd: Andrew apparently taking his time shooting the Mini-14 at Orosco Ridge
groce_sd: Andrew has it lined up now
groce_sd: Our targets on the right side - paper, balloons, tennis balls
groce_sd: DSCF4727 - our target
groce_sd: Harry supervising the firing line
groce_sd: CIMG2654 - our target
groce_sd: CIMG2654
groce_sd: CIMG2652
groce_sd: CIMG2653
groce_sd: CIMG2656
groce_sd: CIMG2657