groce_sd: 1. Suzanne and Bob in the RV on the way to the race Friday, April 28
groce_sd: 2. Rodney in the RV on the way to the race Friday, April 28
groce_sd: 3. Jeff and Carl stocking up on ice in Ramona on the way to the race Friday, April 28
groce_sd: 4. Guy, Ron, Suzanne, and Lee Anne in Ramona on the way to the race Friday, April 28
groce_sd: 5. Guy, Jeff, Ron, Rodney and Lee Anne in Ramona on the way to the race Friday, April 28
groce_sd: 6. Huynh in Ramona on the way to the race Friday, April 28
groce_sd: 7. Jeff, Rodney and Lee Anne in Ramona on the way to the race Friday, April 28
groce_sd: 8. The RV after gassing up in Ramona Friday, April 28
groce_sd: 9. The support vans (Guy's and Carl's vehicles) in Ramona on the way to the race April 28
groce_sd: 10. Lee Anne checks her rear view mirror to keep the kids under control Friday, April 28
groce_sd: 11. Jeff just hanging outside the restroom in Ramona Friday, April 28
groce_sd: 12. Scenic View of Borrego Springs on Friday, April 28
groce_sd: 13. Rodney points outs snipe nesting spots to Suzanne
groce_sd: 14.Jim, Suzanne, and Rodney
groce_sd: 15. Huynh, Rodney, Suzanne, Ron, and Carl
groce_sd: 16. Jim, Rodney, Suzanne, Ron, and Carl doing the knuckle touchie thing
groce_sd: 17. Jim, Rodney, Suzanne, Ron, and Carl doing the knuckle thing even more - was it good for you
groce_sd: 18. Bob taking in the view
groce_sd: 19. Huynh, Rodney, Suzanne, Carl, Ron and Bob
groce_sd: 20. The crew - Rodney Nutter, Huynh Nguyen, Jim Groce, Bob Todd, Lee Anne Galasso, Suzanne Tignor, Carl Best and Ron Drees
groce_sd: 21. Borrego Springs Resort - check in here, Friday, April 28
groce_sd: 22. Ron doing God knows what on the RV trailer at the BS Resort
groce_sd: 23. Another view of BSR parking lot - yeah
groce_sd: 24. Jeff showing it off at BSR
groce_sd: 21 -1. Borrego Springs Resort - check in here, Friday, April 28
groce_sd: 21 -2. Borrego Springs Resort - check in here, Friday, April 28
groce_sd: 25. Checking in the team with race officials
groce_sd: 26. Bob signs us up
groce_sd: 27. Huynh appears to have second thoughts
groce_sd: 27 -1. Friday Night Dinner at Palm Canyon Resort - please pass the bruises