grammardog: boy on patio
grammardog: checking out the new place
grammardog: cute pair
grammardog: feral
grammardog: happy with mama
grammardog: head scratch
grammardog: kneading air
grammardog: midair!
grammardog: mousing
grammardog: new mommy
grammardog: on bed
grammardog: on way to new home
grammardog: pants
grammardog: playing on basket
grammardog: relaxed
grammardog: sacking out on the floor
grammardog: sleepy on bed
grammardog: telling him where he can't go
grammardog: uncle ryan making me crazy
grammardog: IMG_0158
grammardog: IMG_0163
grammardog: IMG_0172
grammardog: IMG_0177
grammardog: IMG_0216
grammardog: IMG_0218
grammardog: IMG_0229
grammardog: IMG_0206
grammardog: bea in sink
grammardog: bea and anne
grammardog: bea under blankets