Alienated Romantic: Here's to a new year
Alienated Romantic: Down by the river yesterday
Alienated Romantic: Finding a spot of light between work and rain and work and december dreary dark
Alienated Romantic: Against the grain
Alienated Romantic: An unusually mild and calm Lake Vättern, deep and old, perfect spot in the heat wave
Alienated Romantic: Plague but alluring spring light
Alienated Romantic: Tempus foggit, passing into the wet and cold season
Alienated Romantic: Frosted clover morning
Alienated Romantic: Autumn morning
Alienated Romantic: Haze at slowly setting sun 9PM, Lake Roxen
Alienated Romantic: Have a nice day/Enjoy your next 24 hours
Alienated Romantic: Foggy morning
Alienated Romantic: Between the rains at noon today, suddenly warm and that earthy taste to the air
Alienated Romantic: Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows
Alienated Romantic: Walk after work in the cooling day
Alienated Romantic: Pretty pimped pollen sacks in slick metallic blue
Alienated Romantic: I have an idea to try merge these two to a logical whole, will try to explore parts of Potatoshop I rarely use
Alienated Romantic: Sunset fringing
Alienated Romantic: Frost finally hit my part of Sweden
Alienated Romantic: Yearly shots for a local non-profit
Alienated Romantic: Evening stroll along the water in Linköping
Alienated Romantic: Pensive rock face
Alienated Romantic: Birch catching sun after rain
Alienated Romantic: Lake Vättern vistas
Alienated Romantic: Another cloudy day
Alienated Romantic: Slow walk in the cooling evening
Alienated Romantic: Rhododendron nite snack
Alienated Romantic: Valborg - Walpurgis, bonfire night