Ryan Good: Kevin, John, Nolan, and Tamiko
Ryan Good: Tamiko always makes weird faces for the camera
Ryan Good: Tamiko and Nolan climbing Timber Road
Ryan Good: Crooked-glasses panda
Ryan Good: Nolan and Tamiko in Vernonia
Ryan Good: Vernonia panda
Ryan Good: Tamiko and Nolan on the Banks Vernonia Trail
Ryan Good: Nolan and Tamiko on the trestle bridge
Ryan Good: Nolan and me on one of the trestle bridges on the Banks Vernonia Trail
Ryan Good: Nolan and me on one of the trestle bridges on the Banks Vernonia Trail
Ryan Good: Stern-faced panda
Ryan Good: Silly face panda
Ryan Good: Group shot
Ryan Good: Kevin attacks the hill
Ryan Good: Just getting started
Ryan Good: Post-ride celebration