Gerrit59: 155052 / 871
Gerrit59: N12-153598 / 841
Gerrit59: WZ-903 / 871
Gerrit59: A79-822
Gerrit59: A-3 111
Gerrit59: A3-31
Gerrit59: A20-261
Gerrit59: A84-237
Gerrit59: A65-94
Gerrit59: 155051 / 870
Gerrit59: A3-53. Aircraft Research and Development Unit (ARDU)
Gerrit59: A65-69
Gerrit59: A21-103. Third aircraft for Australia with original colours.
Gerrit59: N14-076 / 867
Gerrit59: N-93101 / 893
Gerrit59: A11-301 / 857 / VH-MRD
Gerrit59: A3-115
Gerrit59: A21-47
Gerrit59: A97-172
Gerrit59: A25-105
Gerrit59: A8-143
Gerrit59: A77-701
Gerrit59: A41-207. After Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, B777-2H6 (9M-MRD) was shot down over civil war plagued Ukraine, the Royal Australian Air Force based one of its C-17s at Eindhoven Air Base in the Netherlands, to help with the recovery efforts.
Gerrit59: A19-036
Gerrit59: A10-596
Gerrit59: A8-142
Gerrit59: A9-292
Gerrit59: A97-08
Gerrit59: N13-155051 / 870. Crashed 23/01/79, due to turbine failure/engine fire 24Km south-east of Braidwood, NSW. SBLT C. Tomlinson ejected and picked up by RAAF helicopter.
Gerrit59: A18-314