Geo John: f/5.6, ISO-400, ShutterSpeed-1/640sec
Geo John: f/10, ISO-400, ShutterSpeed-1/800sec
Geo John: f/7.1, ISO-100, ShutterSpeed-1/200sec
Geo John: f/6.3, ISO-100, ShutterSpeed-1/160sec
Geo John: f/1.8, ISO-400, ShutterSpeed-1/50sec
Geo John: Am i cute..
Geo John: Yawning cute
Geo John: My Sweet
Geo John: HDR - Bangalore
Geo John: Morning click
Geo John: Rain click
Geo John: Rain drops
Geo John: 18mm click ( kit lens)
Geo John: ഇന്ന് വായനദിനം..
Geo John: Happy father's day
Geo John: cochin
Geo John: awesome munnar
Geo John: its dusk..time to reach home
Geo John: school day's...nostalgia
Geo John: good evening Mr :)
Geo John: evening walk..
Geo John: not yet.. its long way to go
Geo John: anyone want chilli bajji..
Geo John: hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard
Geo John: good evening..!!
Geo John: Shot from Nadukani-Vazhikkadavu Route, NIlambur, Kerala
Geo John: gods own canvas.. in Munnar
Geo John: let the light welcomes you, saying good morning..
Geo John: hands of nature..
Geo John: does cloud smiles..