gavinrobinson: some hotel
gavinrobinson: flame and a building
gavinrobinson: hotel along the riverfront
gavinrobinson: another building
gavinrobinson: lights along the riverfront
gavinrobinson: jeanne and kyle with his eyes closed
gavinrobinson: "gettin liquored up"
gavinrobinson: from the balcony at sunset
gavinrobinson: the aztec from the balcony
gavinrobinson: balcony
gavinrobinson: from the balcony during the day
gavinrobinson: outside the mission
gavinrobinson: greetings
gavinrobinson: mission
gavinrobinson: "cool picture"
gavinrobinson: weird cross/cactus
gavinrobinson: the river to the city of san antonio
gavinrobinson: family at the mission sans me
gavinrobinson: jeanne, kyle, and cletus walking around the mission
gavinrobinson: mission #2
gavinrobinson: ducks
gavinrobinson: flame thing and the fake space needle
gavinrobinson: pat o's in san antonio
gavinrobinson: kyle and jeanne in front of the alamo
gavinrobinson: the line
gavinrobinson: walking along the river
gavinrobinson: up the stairs
gavinrobinson: drury inn lobby
gavinrobinson: christmas at the alamo
gavinrobinson: the alamo at night /slanted