Something about taking a building an twisting it like a Rubik's cube is architecturally pleasing.
More often than not, where you want to be seems pretty hard to get to. But in words of the great Bruce Lee, "To hell with circumstance, I create my own opportunities".
Two years ago, we came across this #puppy. He was much smaller (and fatter) at the time, but he's still the cutest son of a bitch I know. Sure, he only listens 70% of the time. And he might bite you if you ignore him. But what you may call disobedience, I
Is it still a #selfie when you prop your phone against a ledge, set the timer, and take a seat in your perfectly lit studio?
Leftovers from that time where we opted to run into a riot instead of away... Big brother, or in this case sister, is always watching.
Time to take a break from all the non-fiction and return to the lore of Westeros. Thanks @tharshinie for the badass #SecretSanta gift. #WorldOfIceAndFire
[3/3] Christ Washing His Disciples' Feet. Circa 1545. Just one of the amazing pieces at the AGO.
[2/3] Christ Washing His Disciples' Feet. Circa 1545. Just one of the amazing pieces at the AGO.
[1/3] Christ Washing His Disciples' Feet. Circa 1545. Just one of the amazing pieces at the AGO.
Why not sit in Columbus Circle on this beautiful day in #NewYork and read about how we have no privacy. #WhyNot
A short, but creatively infused, stay in #Manhattan. Always great to be amongst so many driven individuals, but as the saying goes: there's no place like home. #Canada
If your #castle isn't hosting a fetish party, then what's the point of even having a castle?! Another peculiar gem of #Barcelona. Not quite sure if it was a good or bad thing that we steered clear of that event...
One of many trashed banks from the protest today. 'May Day' surprised us in its intensity and how focused the crowd was. No residual damage; only banks. I'm just glad we got out unscathed.
Here is the writing from the south entrance of Sagrada Familia, one of the greatest basilicas being built today. Truly an amazing feat in architecture. #Gaudi #Spain #Barcelona #Sagrada #Familia #Jesus
We had the luxury to visit the great Quimet Y Quimet and damn, was it an experience! Take this dish for example: bread with sun dried tomato, prawns, olive oil, cheese and caviar; and the best quality at that! Now imagine dozens of other dishes that match
While dining at our our most favorite place in Barcelona (so far), we came across something on the menu called "Cuttle Fish 'Obama' Croquets." So naturally, I asked our waiter, "Why is it called the Obama?" And without hesitation, he chuckled and said, "B
Breakfast in Barcelona just puts just about everything in North America to shame. God DAMN, this food was delicious! #breakfast #barcelona