Gabriel FW Koch: A Different Sunrise
Gabriel FW Koch: Many Helpers
Gabriel FW Koch: New Postal Workers
Gabriel FW Koch: Morning Rising
Gabriel FW Koch: Henry with His Adopted Daughter
Gabriel FW Koch: Some Cats…
Gabriel FW Koch: I don’t Understand
Gabriel FW Koch: When the Helper Arrive
Gabriel FW Koch: Agreement
Gabriel FW Koch: Morning low tide
Gabriel FW Koch: Tonight’s Moon
Gabriel FW Koch: Dried Raindrops
Gabriel FW Koch: Greenhouse Millipedes
Gabriel FW Koch: Just Cubes
Gabriel FW Koch: And in the End
Gabriel FW Koch: There is Though
Gabriel FW Koch: And Another Thing
Gabriel FW Koch: Well, human, I can see the bottom
Gabriel FW Koch: When You’re caught with a foot in your food
Gabriel FW Koch: When You just Can’t
Gabriel FW Koch: Grumpy’s First Cousin
Gabriel FW Koch: Grumpy Downspout
Gabriel FW Koch: MyFlickrYear2023 Photo
Gabriel FW Koch: An ending
Gabriel FW Koch: Stars are Good