George has Confessions to show: I have a Dentist appointment on Tuesday
George has Confessions to show: Salem's Lot by Stephen King
George has Confessions to show: yesterdays breakfast
George has Confessions to show: it finally show up
George has Confessions to show: just a flash back photo
George has Confessions to show: I did do this years ago but it was a private photo
George has Confessions to show: he had teeth now but he has no skin
George has Confessions to show: Donovan's Greatest Hits
George has Confessions to show: Wings Greatest Hits
George has Confessions to show: out on the walk this morning
George has Confessions to show: Bruce's mother's yard was bad this year
George has Confessions to show: we had a very busy day yesterday
George has Confessions to show: me back in the day
George has Confessions to show: we walked so much yesterday my feet needed a rest
George has Confessions to show: on the ground as we walked
George has Confessions to show: there is a tree that grows there
George has Confessions to show: not my photo but I do love it