frogthroat: Berliner Dom side
frogthroat: Berliner Dom detail
frogthroat: Berliner Dom wall statue 1
frogthroat: Berliner Dom wall statue 2
frogthroat: Berliner Dom roof detail 1
frogthroat: Berliner Dom roof detail 2
frogthroat: Archway
frogthroat: Old National Gallery
frogthroat: Old National Gallery main statue
frogthroat: Old National Gallery random statue
frogthroat: Berliner Dom front
frogthroat: Berliner dom and Fernsehturm
frogthroat: Old Museum side
frogthroat: Old Museum front
frogthroat: Berliner Dom with fountain
frogthroat: Neue Wache
frogthroat: Alexander von Humboldt and the university
frogthroat: Alexander von Humboldt
frogthroat: Max Planck
frogthroat: Paul Otto
frogthroat: Helmholtz
frogthroat: Friedrich the great
frogthroat: Detail of the royal library of Berlin
frogthroat: Royal library of Berlin
frogthroat: St. Hedwigs-Kathedrale centre piece
frogthroat: St. Hedwigs-Kathedrale tomb 1
frogthroat: St. Hedwigs-Kathedrale tomb 2
frogthroat: St. Hedwigs-Kathedrale tomb 3
frogthroat: St. Hedwigs-Kathedrale some hebrew text
frogthroat: St. Hedwigs-Kathedrale tomb 4