freeformkatia: garden shrubs
freeformkatia: garden shrubs
freeformkatia: garden shrubs
freeformkatia: forsythia
freeformkatia: seed pots
freeformkatia: pansy
freeformkatia: pansy
freeformkatia: pansies early in the morning
freeformkatia: backyard 2006 & 2007
freeformkatia: tree planting
freeformkatia: weekend gardening -- Maja takes a break
freeformkatia: final touches
freeformkatia: Maja helps dig the hole
freeformkatia: our new tree
freeformkatia: Richard and Maja discuss the finer points of tree planting
freeformkatia: this is where you want it?
freeformkatia: blooming miniature weeping cherry
freeformkatia: blooming miniature weeping cherry
freeformkatia: visitor
freeformkatia: blooming miniature weeping cherry tree
freeformkatia: east fence backyard 4-15
freeformkatia: backyard 4-15 OR do you have the vision?
freeformkatia: borage sprouting!
freeformkatia: climbing clematis
freeformkatia: herbs
freeformkatia: tarragon!
freeformkatia: something is growing
freeformkatia: snap peas
freeformkatia: hydrangea is doing well
freeformkatia: more seeds