frotos (Fred Shively): Sleeper 1 - Granada, Andalucia
frotos (Fred Shively): Spheres, Motril, Spain
frotos (Fred Shively): Balada del caracol negro/Ballade of the Black Caracols
frotos (Fred Shively): Seis canciones de anocher/Six songs at nightfall
frotos (Fred Shively): Two up in Cordoba
frotos (Fred Shively): Madrigal del verano/Summer madrigal
frotos (Fred Shively): De 'Fábula y rueda de los tres amigos'/'Fable of Three Friends'
frotos (Fred Shively): Young dignity - Lanjarón, Spain
frotos (Fred Shively): Poema de la Soleá-Alba/Poem of the Soleá-Dawn
frotos (Fred Shively): Fuente Vacqueros, Andalucia, Spain
frotos (Fred Shively): Soneto de homenaje a Manuel de Falla/Sonnet in homage to Manuel de Falla
frotos (Fred Shively): Kaya and dog near Torvizcon
frotos (Fred Shively): Paréntesis/Parenthesis
frotos (Fred Shively): Las seis cuerdas/The six strings
frotos (Fred Shively): Goats near Orgiva, Andalucia
frotos (Fred Shively): Sin titulo/untitled
frotos (Fred Shively): El regreso/The return - Fuente Vacqueros, Granada, Lorca
frotos (Fred Shively): Melancolia vieja/Old melancholy
frotos (Fred Shively): Old doors, Malaga, Andalucia
frotos (Fred Shively): Rescued deer, near Antequera, Andalucia
frotos (Fred Shively): Canción primaveral/Spring song/Garcia Lorca
frotos (Fred Shively): Circumstantial: she was here a minute ago
frotos (Fred Shively): Teorías-Fabula/Theories-Fable
frotos (Fred Shively): Sueños/Dreams
frotos (Fred Shively): Circumstantial: one summer afternoon in Salobreña, Andalucia
frotos (Fred Shively): Albaicin, Granada, Andalucia
frotos (Fred Shively): Band girl, Lanjarón, Andalucia
frotos (Fred Shively): Drummers, Lanjarón, Spain
frotos (Fred Shively): Sphere & shadow, Motril, Andalucia
frotos (Fred Shively): Campesino, Lanjarón, Andalucia