freakdog: sunset 008
freakdog: 2006-01-29 008
freakdog: Heptonstall
freakdog: Nothing concrete
freakdog: Curious blossom
freakdog: Ducks of Dusk
freakdog: Cactus Canopy
freakdog: Tree
freakdog: Bridge
freakdog: stripey tree
freakdog: Thinking...
freakdog: Cheeky Girl
freakdog: Railway sign
freakdog: Macro1
freakdog: Weeping Wall
freakdog: Corrogate
freakdog: abandonment
freakdog: Spring has sprung
freakdog: Reflections
freakdog: The Cloud Catcher
freakdog: Trailer Trash
freakdog: Barnography#1 - Home on the Range
freakdog: Barnography#2 - Lighting up the milking parlour
freakdog: Barnography#3 - skylight
freakdog: Barnography#4 - renovation
freakdog: Barnography#5 - Slight subsidance due to sandy soil
freakdog: Barnography#6 - Room with a view
freakdog: Barnography#7 - The hanging room
freakdog: Portrait of a cereal milker