Frants: Duck rocks the GH
Frants: Oh lord, look who it is
Frants: ANOTHER preggers lady
Frants: The Breeders (not the band) discuss
Frants: Gareth shares regrets
Frants: Hotty hotty beauty queen
Frants: Soren's cherry is popped
Frants: She's a yankee doodle d..... wait, that's not it.
Frants: Za?
Frants: Ohmuhgawd so cute
Frants: Duck imagines a life growing inside him
Frants: Yo Mitch, down in front
Frants: Alex does that Arab "yi-yi-yi" thing you see in movies
Frants: HOTness
Frants: Barthx2
Frants: DB and his camera
Frants: A muppet
Frants: The new year is nigh
Frants: DB loses interest, I am constipated
Frants: Yeah. I got some.
Frants: The PATH is blurry, but only on Jersey side
Frants: Did I leave without giving Hydro love?
Frants: Metaphor?