Fordan: Mur arrives a bit late to the Podcasting 101 panel
Fordan: The Podcasting 101 panel
Fordan: Jack Skellington puppet
Fordan: One of the tamer costumes
Fordan: More normal costumes
Fordan: Marriott in the evening during DragonCon
Fordan: The Monarch's Henchmen in the DragonCon 2007 parade
Fordan: Katamari Damacy costumes
Fordan: Cat in a Stylin' Hat
Fordan: Superheroes on parade
Fordan: Schoolhouse Rock!
Fordan: Ghostbusters
Fordan: Herbie
Fordan: Zombie
Fordan: Zombie
Fordan: Box Stormtroopers
Fordan: Box Vader
Fordan: The 501st keeps coming, and coming, and...
Fordan: Leann Mabry gets Joe Murphy Memorial Award
Fordan: Leann Mabry gets Joe Murphy Memorial Award
Fordan: Leann Mabry gets Joe Murphy Memorial Award
Fordan: George Hrab performs tribute song for Joe Murphy
Fordan: Michael R Mennenga on Wingin' It 3D
Fordan: Crowd at Wingin' It 3D
Fordan: George Hrab demonstrates his ability to tie a bow tie
Fordan: George Hrab returning from hallway encounter
Fordan: George Hrab recovers from hallway encounter
Fordan: Tee Morris eating Vegemite to raise money
Fordan: Ghostbusters