akki14: Arrival and finding where I'll sit
akki14: Me looking up
akki14: fascinating wall?
akki14: fascinating wall?
akki14: fascinating wall?
akki14: Registering
akki14: Registering
akki14: walking around to my seat
akki14: Wait, I have to sing God Save The Queen?!
akki14: Boreddd
akki14: Looking through my important citizen papers
akki14: Bored heather
akki14: bored heather
akki14: Bored heather looking at the queen
akki14: Bored heather again
akki14: Light fixture
akki14: Me with important lady
akki14: Me on the stairs
akki14: Me outside the town hall of hendon
akki14: me
akki14: Me by giant phallic symbol
akki14: Me by giant phallic symbol
akki14: Me with certificate
akki14: Me with certificate
akki14: Me with certificate
akki14: Me with certificate
akki14: Me with Deputy Mayor
akki14: Me with Deputy Mayor
akki14: "gift" pen for British Citizenship MADE IN CHINA!
akki14: "gift" pen from the council