fe505: Supergirl Cosplay
fe505: Batman, Green Lantern, Green Arrow Cosplay
fe505: IMG_8843
fe505: IMG_8844
fe505: X-Men First Class Magneto
fe505: IMG_8846
fe505: Spider-Man Cosplay
fe505: IMG_8852
fe505: IMG_8853
fe505: IMG_8854
fe505: Red Cobra Commander
fe505: IMG_8856
fe505: IMG_8857
fe505: IMG_8858
fe505: IMG_8859
fe505: IMG_8860
fe505: IMG_8861
fe505: IMG_8862
fe505: True Blood Merlotte and Transformers Acree Cosplay
fe505: Tokidoki Sandy Cosplay
fe505: Marie Claude Bourbonnais, Meagan Marie, and Riki Lecotey (aka Riddle), and Yaya Han
fe505: Meagan Marie and Riddle signing Cosplay for a Cause Calendars
fe505: Yaya Han as Catwoman Cosplay
fe505: Mystique Cosplay
fe505: Slave Leias
fe505: IMG_8875
fe505: Kreo-O Transformers
fe505: IMG_8877
fe505: IMG_8878
fe505: Wolverine Banana!??