fati-foto: Shoeflow
fati-foto: Cristoforo Colombo directing
fati-foto: Window frame by Gaudi
fati-foto: Vintage Mobile Newspaper Application
fati-foto: Eating an Ocean
fati-foto: Eating a Forest
fati-foto: Vacuuming a Necropolis
fati-foto: Street Action
fati-foto: The night I met Gaudi
fati-foto: Pavement
fati-foto: Music Corner
fati-foto: Beyond beauty and magic...
fati-foto: Street Lights
fati-foto: Las Ramblas Canarios
fati-foto: Stylish Pup
fati-foto: Respect! Mr. Gaudi!
fati-foto: Have a Seat
fati-foto: Hanging Lights