fat-freddies-cat ☺ ☻ six million views ☻☺: how much is that minotaur in the window
fat-freddies-cat ☺ ☻ six million views ☻☺: later the same day the heads turned up in the market
fat-freddies-cat ☺ ☻ six million views ☻☺: welsh exiles at the star inn bath
fat-freddies-cat ☺ ☻ six million views ☻☺: in the court of the purple wizard
fat-freddies-cat ☺ ☻ six million views ☻☺: how much is that minotaur in the window II
fat-freddies-cat ☺ ☻ six million views ☻☺: there's this really good pub next door