evilibby: The Journey Begins...
evilibby: Hard at Work
evilibby: Nell & Den
evilibby: India Gate
evilibby: Guard at India Gate
evilibby: Reflections
evilibby: The Mrs. at India Gate
evilibby: Gates of the Sansad Bhavan
evilibby: Sansad Bhavan
evilibby: Wreaking Havoc
evilibby: Out for a Stroll
evilibby: Working the rice paddies
evilibby: Rice Paddy Workers
evilibby: Collecting Food
evilibby: The Girl in the Sun-hat
evilibby: Finding a Seat
evilibby: Patiently Waiting
evilibby: Raising the Flag
evilibby: The Flag of India
evilibby: Parading the Flag
evilibby: Clap, clap, clapping!
evilibby: Enthusiastic Clapping
evilibby: Cutey!
evilibby: Women of the B.S.F.
evilibby: Keeping an Eye on Things
evilibby: At the End of the Day
evilibby: Amritsar by Night
evilibby: 'Pool of the Nectar of Immortality'
evilibby: The Golden Temple
evilibby: Giving out a couple of plates...