eMpTyKeller: Anchor Bar - Home of the Original Buffalo Wings
eMpTyKeller: Welcome to Niagara Falls!
eMpTyKeller: Niagara Falls - October 2012
eMpTyKeller: Niagara Falls - October 2012
eMpTyKeller: Niagara Falls from Canadian Side
eMpTyKeller: <--- To Canada
eMpTyKeller: Accidental Sun over Shoulder
eMpTyKeller: Niagara Falls - October 2012
eMpTyKeller: Drive Thru Duty Free Store
eMpTyKeller: To U.S.A.
eMpTyKeller: New York Trees in the Fall
eMpTyKeller: New York State in the Fall
eMpTyKeller: New York State in the Fall
eMpTyKeller: The Original Buffalo Wings from Anchor Bar