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Summer Skin by Em Ogden
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Em Ogden
Greenery and Tall Grass
Em Ogden
Squeaky swings and tall grass
Em Ogden
The longest shadows ever cast
Em Ogden
The water's warm and children swim
Em Ogden
And we frolicked about in our summer skin
Em Ogden
I don't recall a single care, Just greenery and humid air
Em Ogden
Then Labor day came and went
Em Ogden
And we shed what was left of our summer skin
Em Ogden
On the night you left I came over
Em Ogden
And we peeled the freckles from our shoulders
Em Ogden
Our brand new coats so flushed and pink
Em Ogden
And I knew your heart I couldn't win
Em Ogden
Cause the seasons change was a conduit
Em Ogden
And we left our love in our summer skin
Em Ogden
Summer Skin
Em Ogden
Longest Shadows Ever Cast