this is emily: cosmo in the small dog room
this is emily: cosmo and the ball
this is emily: cosmo greeting a sweet dachsund
this is emily: smells like ass
this is emily: social hour
this is emily: meet and greet
this is emily: dog day delight
this is emily: cosmo in the snow
this is emily: cosmo as sisyphus
this is emily: snowdrifts
this is emily: cosmo in the snow
this is emily: morning stroll with cosmo
this is emily: morning stroll with cosmo
this is emily: cosmo on morning stroll
this is emily: cosmo in the snow
this is emily: playing ball in slushy snow
this is emily: cosmo and the ball
this is emily: cosmo and the ball
this is emily: cosmo and the ball
this is emily: afternoon stroll with cosmo
this is emily: cosmo and the ball
this is emily: cosmo out on the town
this is emily: cosmo listening intently
this is emily: cosmo at the greenmarket
this is emily: cosmo under the asparagus
this is emily: jealous of cosmo
this is emily: oh dear human, please stop taking pictures and get me the ball
this is emily: cosmo the cafe dog
this is emily: cosmo in the shade of scented geraniums
this is emily: training for the corgi world cup