Isabelle Bommes: “Overcome space, and all we have left is Here. Overcome time, and all we have left is Now.”
Isabelle Bommes: “Don’t believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding. Find out what you already know and you will see the way to fly.”
Isabelle Bommes: Warschauer Straße
Isabelle Bommes: der Geist des Ortes
Isabelle Bommes: Reduktion!
Isabelle Bommes: Trinkhalle
Isabelle Bommes: Rad, das Wortart: Substantiv, Neutrum Wort mit gleicher Schreibung: Rad (Substantiv, Neutrum)
Isabelle Bommes: falling and flying
Isabelle Bommes: a new day
Isabelle Bommes: train stories
Isabelle Bommes: safe spot
Isabelle Bommes: outside in (essentials)
Isabelle Bommes:
Isabelle Bommes:
Isabelle Bommes: orange winter day I
Isabelle Bommes: orange winter day II
Isabelle Bommes: orange winter day III
Isabelle Bommes: sometimes, it can be lonely at the parking lot
Isabelle Bommes: sometimes, I take 3 steps at once
Isabelle Bommes: a night at the surf school
Isabelle Bommes: Bülowstraße
Isabelle Bommes: the bridge