cicatrix: Easter Produkt
cicatrix: twats pasteups
cicatrix: creepy baby eating lost cat
cicatrix: face mural with pasted eyes
cicatrix: Pasted eyes detail
cicatrix: Pasted eyes
cicatrix: pasteup skull
cicatrix: pasted heads
cicatrix: pasted skulls
cicatrix: 2 pasteups
cicatrix: pasteup billboard art and old Coke mural
cicatrix: pasteup billboard art
cicatrix: pasteup extravaganza
cicatrix: king robot & pasteups
cicatrix: pasteups!
cicatrix: Glue gun?
cicatrix: little girl pasteup
cicatrix: ungava building
cicatrix: some pasteups
cicatrix: mixed media
cicatrix: rage5
cicatrix: multiple pasteups on Parc
cicatrix: floating head
cicatrix: vesk vans!
cicatrix: the eyes on the street...
cicatrix: francisco pasteup
cicatrix: door on St-Dominique
cicatrix: beat up vesk sticker
cicatrix: bleeding heart phonebooth
cicatrix: new paste thingy