eldan: Samish Bay, from Chuckanut Drive
eldan: oh, Bellingham
eldan: Kulshan
eldan: Bellingham Bay
eldan: ni dieux ni maîtres, mais un seul roi
eldan: Hale Passage
eldan: view from the cabin
eldan: view from the cabin
eldan: the cabin had a telescope for looking at seals
eldan: escaped librarian
eldan: ahhh, Lummi
eldan: reef netters
eldan: woody woodpecker
eldan: Orcas Island
eldan: miniature
eldan: To begin at the beginning
eldan: pantry of awe and delight
eldan: a dinner to remember
eldan: a sunset to remember
eldan: later
eldan: summer
eldan: dahlia
eldan: local produce
eldan: connection
eldan: population 816
eldan: island map