el_topo: always got time for branching
el_topo: ack, more people
el_topo: there is a person, how did that happen
el_topo: fullyfrozing
el_topo: never any smo
el_topo: mount candle
el_topo: all the colours of a milky rainbow
el_topo: time for the sirens
el_topo: that hollywood colour thing
el_topo: new to me
el_topo: blue leaper
el_topo: new head backs
el_topo: best switch of the day
el_topo: planar
el_topo: underground is not all empty
el_topo: better than that other one
el_topo: every corner
el_topo: who was it
el_topo: pointy elbow, thats a relief
el_topo: is that going to look good i said to myself
el_topo: up and down again and up again
el_topo: that big flat bit with all the bricks
el_topo: ner ner nerr
el_topo: karpol not nicknack
el_topo: st emilion and spanish crisps
el_topo: crinkled day burner
el_topo: side truths
el_topo: drove past us paying attention
el_topo: half the battle
el_topo: one of our walls is missing