EdgecombePlanter: Cypress Shoreline: Washington Park, Beaufort County, NC
EdgecombePlanter: A Moody Pamlico River Day
EdgecombePlanter: Two Geese on the Pamlico: Washington, NC
EdgecombePlanter: Moody Blues on the Pamlico River: Washington, NC
EdgecombePlanter: Gulls Will Be Gulls: Washington, NC
EdgecombePlanter: Are You Looking at Me!
EdgecombePlanter: The Goose is Loose: Pamlico River, Washington, NC
EdgecombePlanter: Where's Alfred Hitchcock?
EdgecombePlanter: Canada Geese Near the Pamlico River
EdgecombePlanter: Lone Kayak and a Railroad Trestle: Washington, Beaufort County, NC
EdgecombePlanter: Unidentified Swamp Creature, Possibly a New Species: A Morass Near Washington, NC
EdgecombePlanter: Old Bank of Washington: Washington, Beaufort County, NC
EdgecombePlanter: Palmer-Marsh House, ca. 1744: Bath, Beaufort County, North Carolina
EdgecombePlanter: Palmer-Marsh House, ca. 1744: Bath, Beaufort County, North Carolina (FEATURED IN FLICKR EXPLORE ON MAY 31, 2012)
EdgecombePlanter: Palmer-Marsh House: Bath, North Carolina
EdgecombePlanter: St. Thomas Episcopal Church: Bath, North Carolina
EdgecombePlanter: Old Primitive Baptist Church: Mason's Landing on Tranters Creek, Beaufort County, North Carolina (INCLUDED IN FLICKR EXPLORE ON OCTOBER 17, 2013)
EdgecombePlanter: St. Peter's Episcopal Church: Washington, Beaufort County, North Carolina
EdgecombePlanter: The 1840's Hollyday House: Washington, Beaufort County, North Carolina
EdgecombePlanter: A Chilly Day on the Pamlico River: Washington, North Carolina
EdgecombePlanter: Seagulls on a Pier: Pamlico River, Washington, North Carolina
EdgecombePlanter: Seagulls on a Pier: Pamlico River, Washington, North Carolina
EdgecombePlanter: A Flock of Seagulls and Two Geese: Pamlico River, Washington, North Carolina
EdgecombePlanter: A Flock of Seagulls and Two Geese: Pamlico River, Washington, North Carolina
EdgecombePlanter: Abandoned Farm House: Beaufort County, North Carolina
EdgecombePlanter: Abandoned Farm House: Beaufort County, North Carolina
EdgecombePlanter: St. Peter's Episcopal Church: Washington, Beaufort County, North Carolina
EdgecombePlanter: St. Peter's Episcopal Church Doors: Washington, Beaufort County, North Carolina
EdgecombePlanter: The 1850's Holliday House: Washington, Beaufort County, North Carolina
EdgecombePlanter: Bellefonte (Major Reading Blount House): Beaufort County, North Carolina