EdgecombePlanter: The Halloween or Harvest Moon at the Old Davis House: Davistown, Edgecombe County, NC
EdgecombePlanter: The Halloween or Harvest Moon at the Old Davis House: Davistown, Edgecombe County, NC
EdgecombePlanter: The Hour of Good and Evil at Mt. Moriah Plantation
EdgecombePlanter: The Boy in the Upstairs Hallway: Happy Halloween!
EdgecombePlanter: Go Into the Light...
EdgecombePlanter: He Lived to Come Home to His Family
EdgecombePlanter: The Moon Rising Over the Graveyard
EdgecombePlanter: Inside the Old Macclesfield, NC Jail
EdgecombePlanter: Inside the Old Macclesfield, NC Jail
EdgecombePlanter: Great Great Aunt Nancy Jane Sherrod Best and Little Annie
EdgecombePlanter: The Grieving Widow: He Died Defending the Confederacy at Petersburg...
EdgecombePlanter: Mother in Grief at the Loss of Her Child
EdgecombePlanter: The Halloween Skull: Abandoned House in Davistown, NC
EdgecombePlanter: Alone in the Big, Dark House
EdgecombePlanter: In an Abandoned Greek Revival House
EdgecombePlanter: Whatever You Do, DON'T Go Inside The Dark Attic Opening...
EdgecombePlanter: The Old Crumbling Tomb
EdgecombePlanter: The Death of the Blair Witch's Only Child--The Legend Ends (Or Does It?)
EdgecombePlanter: The House Where the Donner Party Lived Before the Trip to California: Uncle Cletus Got Left Behind
EdgecombePlanter: Gabriel at the Window
EdgecombePlanter: Miss Maud Watching Over Her Mansion
EdgecombePlanter: Waiting for Breakfast Under the Light of the Full Moon: Edgecombe County, NC
EdgecombePlanter: "Please let me take your coat, my little pretty, and I'll go make you a cup of nice, hot tea......."
EdgecombePlanter: Trick or Treat! Come in Children, the Door Is Unlocked!
EdgecombePlanter: A Marvelous Night for a Moondance of the Souls
EdgecombePlanter: Colonel Cromwell's Dark Angel
EdgecombePlanter: I Can't See You or Touch You...
EdgecombePlanter: Field of Confederate Souls
EdgecombePlanter: A Full Moon at Adelphia Plantation: Wiggins Crossroads, Edgecombe County, NC (FEATURED IN FLICKR EXPLORE 9-30-2011)
EdgecombePlanter: A Part of Living Is Death