e³°°°: Funeral march - death is our kingdom
e³°°°: Fairy-tale at the chapel of Saint-Gertrude, in the park of the castle of Gaasbeek, near Brussels
e³°°°: Belgisch Centrum van het Beeldverhaal, Brussel/ Belgian Centre of Comic Strips, Brussels
e³°°°: to the unknown soldier
e³°°°: Why? Never again.
e³°°°: When a king is riding his horse
e³°°°: Sub specie aeternitatis.
e³°°°: Silence, strangling the deceased
e³°°°: How to restore a Fe-atom (x 165 billion times)
e³°°°: Loosing my religion
e³°°°: Enigma of the absolute
e³°°°: Just hanging around. Brussels, Grand Place.
e³°°°: Brussels, Basilica of Koekelberg
e³°°°: Hilton expelled by the newbies
e³°°°: Brussels - Market Square
e³°°°: The dinosaur meet and greet
e³°°°: Brussels - the northern district
e³°°°: Statues still standing. BXL World Exposition 1935
e³°°°: RIP. Routing Information Protocol. Requiescat In Pace. Remain In Position.
e³°°°: Mouldering the forlorned
e³°°°: basilica of Koekelberg, Brussels
e³°°°: Waiting at the fitting room / The last of the Mohicans.
e³°°°: Old England, new style.
e³°°°: Charlemagne is back in Europe
e³°°°: Victory arc, Brussels, in evaporating Belgium.
e³°°°: Window wipers' wet dream panes of power
e³°°°: The final curtain / Koningshuis opgedoekt ?
e³°°°: Plymouth, 1933.
e³°°°: This vale of tears
e³°°°: Lasciatemi morire