dusty-boots: P1060695 - 1
dusty-boots: P1060696 - 1
dusty-boots: P1060697 - 1
dusty-boots: P1060699 - 1
dusty-boots: P1060700 - 1
dusty-boots: P1060701 - 1
dusty-boots: P1060703
dusty-boots: P1060706
dusty-boots: P1060707
dusty-boots: P1060705
dusty-boots: P1060714
dusty-boots: P1060716
dusty-boots: P1060718
dusty-boots: P1060719
dusty-boots: P1060720
dusty-boots: IMG_0050
dusty-boots: IMG_0051
dusty-boots: Firecreek Tank Bag
dusty-boots: Stainless Steel mounting plate hinge
dusty-boots: Backside view of bag material
dusty-boots: Stainless steel plate mounted in radio cover slots
dusty-boots: Rear Mount
dusty-boots: rear mounting point
dusty-boots: Front mounting point
dusty-boots: My usual bag configuration to maximize storage space
dusty-boots: P1040211 - 1
dusty-boots: moveable partition
dusty-boots: close up of Velcroe on partition ends
dusty-boots: Close up of Velcroe on tank bag inside walls (both sides)