The 10 cent designer: Meanwhile, in Canada
Phil Roeder: The First Day of School
Ryan Brenizer: Quick Me Method shot of @tbreslow at the crazy, hoarder-friendly Court St. bookstore. 6 images brings us from 50mm f/0.95 to 34mm f/0.65 equivalent. #brenizermethod #bokehpanorama
blende einspunktacht: House of Hoarders
History Rambler: abandoned houses
BalineseCat: In Blue Island
*suika *: ha na bi
Devon OpdenDries: Off-Loading
EllaH52: seriously minimalist
rosleinrot: Daybreak
Vid Pogacnik: Dolomites from Catinaccio / Rosengarten
FRANcisco (PortoPortugal): people in motion
Rob Pitt: Stargazing
ronever53: Sunrise
Valentina AdC: IMG_5877
LuisGoF: Pichola Haveli Hotel
jpstanley: Crowds in the dark
Zeb Andrews: A Pacific glim
tina negus: Viking way
LivingStone Images: Day 140-365: On the edge [Explore]
BastienVallee: Improvisation nocturne
Zeb Andrews: A reality so subtle
Geninne: Santa Fe does spring 🌸 Primavera en Santa Fe
Geninne: Adobe and pink is such a gorgeous combo 🌸 Adobe y rosado es una combinación tan hermosa