drukelly: Justin on the segway - 2
drukelly: Sis on the segway - 2
drukelly: Sis
drukelly: Justin on the segway - 7
drukelly: Getting on the segway - 1
drukelly: Justin on the segway - 6
drukelly: Me
drukelly: Grace and JR
drukelly: Justin on the segway - 5
drukelly: Justin on the segway - 3
drukelly: Me on the segway
drukelly: iPhone inside the incase 3G case
drukelly: Line for the buffet
drukelly: Justin and Dad
drukelly: Justin on the segway - 4
drukelly: Getting on the segway - 2
drukelly: Sis on the segway - 1
drukelly: Me on the segway
drukelly: Posing w/ the segway - 1
drukelly: Posing w/ the segway - 2
drukelly: Justin on the segway - 1
drukelly: Monica, the sis